Complete Story


Division of Workers' Compensation Proposing 20% Reduction in ASC Reimbursement

CASA Asking All Members to Become Involved

Late Friday, December 17, 2010, the California Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) posted the proposed regulations regarding revisions to the ambulatory surgery center (ASC) and hospital outpatient departments (HOPD) fee schedule regulations for outpatient services provided in these facilities. The DWC is proposing to keep HOPDs at the current fee schedule  and reduce ASC reimbursement to 100% of the CMS HOPD fee schedule.  We need all ASCs to become active and let their voice be heard.

The CASA Board takes exception to the DWC removing ASC’s from parity with the HOPD.  The services provided to the injured worker are the same regardless of the site of service and the reimbursement should reflect this.  Disrupting the equilibrium between HOPD’s and ASC’s will cause surgery centers to opt out of treating workers' compensation clients due to cost concerns and creates potential gamesmanship incentives to move patients to a more “lucrative” setting.  Creating a two tier system will cause access issues for the injured worker and we believe the DWC is seriously miscalculating the overall cost reductions they are trying to achieve.  It is imperative that the DWC and Governor Jerry Brown hear and understand this argument.  CASA met with Brown in August to discuss this issue at length and hope to resume those talks very soon.

We need all California ASCs to become involved.  Please plan to participate in as many of the following activities as possible.


History has proven that it will take a strong and unified voice to effectively communicate our arguments and concerns.  Please join us in actively communicating our message.  If you have questions or are in need of guidance, CASA Executive Director, Beth LaBouyer, is available to assist you.  She can be reached at 530-790-7990 or

CASA Comments to DWC

Notes from DWC May hearing

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